Translation services:
Brigitte translates documents and literature across a variety of sectors:
Arts & Leisure
Magazine and newspaper articles
Certified Documents:
Birth certificates
Marriage certificates
Death certificates
Divorce decree
Medical documents
The translation service includes:
Proofreading & editing
Signature approved by the Consulate for Certification
Delivery: the document can be posted or e-mailed to you, or arranged for collection, depending on your needs.
English > French
Anglais < Francais
Testimonials from previous clients:
“We have used Brigitte several times to translate technical and contractual documents from French to English. Her work has been thorough and prompt, and we will not hesitate to use her again.”
— Bedford Pumps Ltd
"Brigitte produces excellent translations extremely efficiently. She is a pleasure to work with and is very reliable with real skill."
— Michael Davison, Deputy CEO, Global law firm
"Brigitte has translated many official documents for me on a number of occasions in the last 10 years. She has been amazing, so responsive and translating perfectly within such an excellent timeframe. I highly recommend her as she is "first class". Merci Brigitte! "
— Stephanie Vergnaud, Child Psychiatrist